16 February 2010

*lovey lovey lovey - Valentine's Day Recap

I like to believe that J and I are like any other married couple out there. We can get under each other's skin very easily, but we also have many days where we are all cuddly - you know - that couple you see on the street holding hands and trying to be all secret about their PDAs.

I've also never been one to celebrate Valentine's Day. Bah Humbug! But this past Sunday was different. J got up and made me a fabulous soy flat white, handed me that and a little gift... !!!! Awwwwww!!! I know!!!!


Yes. Those are EXACTLY what you think they are... Barrel of Monkey earrings! Made by UbuLala.
And some very nice handmade non-soap soap (as I've found out recently, that I'm pretty allergic to regular soaps) made with olive oil, rice bran oil, coconut oil, water, lye, and essential oils. Made by Starashan...

He got everything at Olive Grove over on Sydney Rd... (I don't think they have a website!!) But yeah... he's a lovely boy!

After a trip to the Vic Markets for our usual veggie and seafood shop, I came home and made some prawn alfredo pasta. I have to admit, I've never made a white sauce from scratch before. But holy cow! Easy as! Granted, I will probably need to watch my cholesterol and my fat intake after that meal, but it was worth it!! So much cheese. So much butter. So much yum!


Hope everyone had a lovely day!!!

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