04 April 2014

A quick pantry lunch - Tuna Cakes

I've become one of those people that have a full pantry, basically my mother. You never know what you will need! Or, as I have found lately, "why did we need this?" I've come across a few things lately that I have NO idea what I bought them for... But this is not about my brain-fart moments... It's food related. I swear.

Anywho. I love being able to come home from playgroup and whip together something like this. It's not super flash, but it's good, I love it, the boys like it, and it takes all of about 10 minutes to make.

Tuna Cakes

Ingredients :
  • 180 g Canned (tinned) Tuna in water
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • a little bit of dried herbs, chives, parsley (or fresh if you have them)
  • 1 tsp seeded mustard
  • 3 or 4 tbsp whole wheat flour
  • 2 tbsp grapeseed oil, or canola is fine
Method :
  1. Drain the tuna in a sieve.
  2. Quickly beat the egg and add your herbs and mustard.
  3. Add the drained tuna and flour to the egg mix and mush together with your fingers like you would meatloaf.
  4. Separate into four equal amounts and roll into a patty shape.
  5. Heat up the oil in a small fry pan and cook through until golden and crispy on the edges.
  6. Drain them on a paper towel and devour.

Yum... I make a fake tartar sauce for mine, but the boys are happy to have them with some edamame.

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