28 January 2011

Happy Friday! Weekend Plans...

Tonight. Mos Def.
Thank you to my old friend, Andy, for hooking all us of up with this one!

Saturday. Drawing.
I'm not keeping within the lines. More on the Blue Knights video later.

Sunday. Time with friends and family and the neighbourhood animals.
The view from my office/studio.
This is our neighbour's goat.
She has a kid as well, soooo cute!

And MONDAY!!! Finally!
Two words.
Sufjan. Stevens.

Happy dances were had by all when I received this in the post!

I am super excited for this show. I feel like I've been waiting years to see Mr.Stevens play live.
Can. Not. Wait!
Image via Wikipedia

Have a safe and happy weekend!!!


  1. Ah lucky girl! I LOVE Sufjan Stevens, hope you had a blast!

  2. It was sooo incredible. The guy is a genius... I was so impressed... *sigh* still dreaming about it!! :)
